Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Contemporary Heros Quest Essay

The contemporary character of Luke Skywalker in the film Star Wars undertakes the classic hero’s journey which include the processes of separation, initiation, transformation and return. This paper has therefore been written to examine the plight of Luke Skywalker and to analyze the journey that the character takes throughout the plot of the film. In addition to this, an investigation of the mythological and cultural origins of the story will be conducted while the relevance of the story to the modern world in which ordinary humans struggle for survival will be presented. Luke Skywalker represents a classic example of the hero who undertakes a quest in the face of adversity and who eventually overcomes a number of challenges for the benefit of society. In the film Star Wars, Luke is a farmer on the remote desert planet of Tatooine when he receives the call to adventure from a holographic representation of Princess Leia. The call to adventure is contained in a message that is p rojected to Luke from within the memory of R2D2, a droid that Luke purchases to work on the farm. Initially Luke refuses the call to adventure out of a sense of duty towards his step-parents. Luke then receives supernatural aid from Obi Wan Kenobi who rescues Luke from the sand people and who teaches him about the Force. Luke then learns about the fate of his dead father from his new mentor who gives Luke his dead father’s light saber as he crosses the threshold into the new world of the Jedi which contains the promise of adventure and a journey into the unknown. Luke then enters this world when he arrives on the Death Star where he meets Darth Vader, who is the villain of the story. Luke must defeat Darth Vader and the Empire in order to free the galaxy from Imperial control. However, it is revealed that Darth Vader is actually Luke’s real father who succumbed to the dark side of the Force after undergoing Jedi training before Luke’s birth. Darth Vader, along with the Emperor, represents an archetypal devil figure who works for evil throughout the film. Indeed, a number of other archetypes are represented in the film Star Wars which includes Luke as the hero and initiate of the story, Obi Wan Kenobi as Luke’s mentor and Princess Leia who fulfils the role of the damsel in distress. Luke begins the initiation on the Death Star where he overcomes a number of tests and meets his travelling companions, Princess Leis, Han Solo and Chewbacca the Wookie. Luke then confronts the villain of the story however he suffers his abyss when Vader kills Obi Wan. The companions then  escape from the Death Star and head to the rebel base that has been established on Yavin 4 where Luke begins the transformation stage of the hero’s journey when he starts his Jedi training. The return phase of the hero’s journey begins when Luke’s transformation into a Jedi is complete and the rebel fleet attacks the Death Star using Princess Leia’s stolen plans of the space station. The hero’s return is complete when Luke hears his mentor’s voice telling him to use the Force in order to destroy the Death Star, which he manages to achieve, subsequently freeing the galaxy from Imperial control. The mythological and cultural origins of the Star Wars story can be traced back to early Eastern religious mythology in which the hero underwent a transformation during his journey to overcome a particular challenge. Star Wars contains a number of elements of traditional mythology which represent the real life elements such as the duality of good and evil, the behavior of archetypal characters and the projection of spirituality as an alternative to secular religion. Therefore, Star Wars contains all of the characteristics that represent a hero’s journey while the film has become an example of the contemporary interpretation of ancient mythology which reflects the use of spiritualism as a replacement for religion. In addition, Star Wars also illustrates the continuing relevance of this ancient mythology to the modern world.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Financial Perspective In A Business Commerce Essay

Harmonizing to Atrill and McLaney ( 2009:335 ) , this facet of the balanced scorecard will stipulate the fiscal returns deemed by the administration ‘s stockholders every bit good as return on capital employed ( ROCE ) , runing net income, gross revenues gross growing and capital acquisition ( Alkaraan, & A ; Northcott, 2006: 173-179 ) .The client positionKey to the client position is the demand to ‘leverage relationships across different concern units to offer the client lower monetary values, better entree to goods and services, and more complete offerings ‘ ( Kaplan & A ; Norton, 2006:104 ) , as illustrated by the instance of McDonald ‘s. Furthermore, this country of the balanced scorecard efforts to place the sort of client or market the administration wishes to function and as a consequence will invent steps to estimate client satisfaction every bit good as record new client growing degrees ( Atrill & A ; McLaney, 2009:335 ) .The procedure positionThis fa cet of the balanced scorecard trades with the synergisms gained through sharing common procedures ( Kaplan & A ; Norton, 2006:103 ) , e.g. buying, fabrication, distribution and research that can capitalize on economic systems of graduated table or nucleus competencies to leverage advantage ( Slack, Chambers & A ; Johnston, 2007:73 ) . In add-on, this facet of the balanced scorecard will have steps to estimate the per centum of gross revenues derived from new merchandises, clip to market inside informations, merchandise life rhythms times every bit good as response times to client ailments ( Atrill & A ; McLaney, 2009:335 ) .The acquisition and growing positionAtrill & A ; McLaney ( 2009:335 ) province that this country of the balanced scorecard focuses on leveraging value from ‘human capital development ‘ . Basically, it is the designation of those people, systems and processs that are deemed necessary for long-run growing. In order to measure this, there ought to be ste ps such as employee motive, employee accomplishment profiles, staff turnover degrees and calling development that create intangible assets that support cross-unit coaction ( Johnston & A ; Stoughton, 2009:564-590 ) and, finally, the administration as a whole.Evaluation of the four positionsAtrill and McLaney ( 2009:335 ) point out that the balanced scorecard is non normative of any peculiar aim or step that should be implemented across the board. This is likely due to the fact that administration is a diverse entity made up of different concern units that consist of different organizational constructions and operate in different concern environments and, as a consequence, it would be prudent to let such units to develop their ain balanced scorecards to reflect these differences ( Kaplan & A ; Norton, 2006:104 ) . However, from a corporate degree, the balanced scorecard represents a pyramid attack to puting aims and steps ( based on environmental factors ) that cascade down to all th e concern units in the administration but still keep linkages with the original â€Å" maestro â€Å" or corporate scorecard. Although the balanced scorecard incorporates other steps ( i.e. procedure ) these do non take away from the overall of importance of the fiscal position, but relate back to it in the signifier of cause-and-effect relationships. For case, an investing in staff development ( larning and growing position ) may take to an betterment in client service being offered ( process position ) that is registered in increased client satisfaction ( client position ) that is finally represented in increased gross revenues and net incomes ( fiscal position ) ( Atrill & A ; McLaney, 2009:337 ) .The line of best tantrum?It would be hard to apportion the balanced scorecard to the impression of best fit vis-a-vis the four positions ( as outlined by Slack, Chambers and Johnston ( 2007:67-70 ) ) , as the strategic subjects used are applicable throughout the administration. Despit e that, I would venture to state that the balanced scorecard does impart itself rather nicely to the market position every bit good as the operations resources position.Corporate scheme and the balanced scorecardAs mentioned above, the balanced scorecard can be allocated to all four positions on operations scheme outlined by Slack, Chambers and Johnston ( 2007:64 ) . For illustration, the top-down attack can be supported by the corporate balanced scorecard in order to joint what objectives ( i.e. the who, what, when, where, how much inquiries ) will specify the initial corporate scheme that the administration wishes to prosecute. Alternatively, a balanced scorecard developed by a concern unit ( i.e. bottom-up attack ) may reflect its demand to get the better of daily restraints ( i.e. the degree of skilled people available to make a peculiar occupation in the local occupation market ) or advance order-wining capablenesss ( e.g. capitalize further on a nucleus competency, such as dis tribution ) . This could, in bend, act as a accelerator for emergent schemes ( Slack, Chambers & A ; Johnston, 2007:64 ) . As for a market/customer position ( Slack, Chambers & A ; Johnston, 2007:67 ) , the balanced scorecard ‘s client aims and steps will, gratuitous to state, turn out utile in placing competitory factors ( i.e. bringing, clip, production specification, etc. ) that can be interpreted as cardinal public presentation aims lending to an administration winning more usage. This could, in bend, act as a accelerator for emergent schemes leting an organisation to find the grade of possible cleavage in the market and reference it ( Slack, Chambers & A ; Johnston, 2007:67-70 ) . Finally, the acquisition and growing aims and steps of the balanced scorecard could turn out highly utile in supplying a better apprehension of the resources and capablenesss within an administration. This will let the said organisation to leverage added value from its concern unit ‘s nucl eus competencies and intangible resources ( i.e. relationships with providers and clients ) to do headroom in the market ( Kaplan & A ; Norton, 2006:104 ) . However, Child ( 2008:87 ) offers a prophylactic word of warning about concentrating on one facet of the scorecard ( i.e. nucleus competencies ) at the disbursal of the other aims. He cites the Hatfield derailment in 2000, as an illustration of uneven focal point and hapless integrating of schemes. However, by the same item, Child ( 2008:90 ) besides says that good integrating of schemes ( i.e. corporate, concern, functional and emergent ) can ease ‘dynamic capablenesss ‘ that will let an administration to ‘seize new chances leting it to reconfigure itself and accomplish sustainable competitory advantage. ‘DecisionIt would be incorrect to see operations scheme as arising from one peculiar beginning, e.g. top-down. Clearly, the concern unit ‘s operations scheme is unfastened to many influences from t he concern environment every bit good as internal/external organizational forces. However, if the balanced scorecard is designed good ( Atrill & A ; McLaney, 2009:337-339 ) , it can assist the said concern unit develop utile aims and steps by which to estimate and better public presentation that benefit the administration financially as a whole and supply a nexus between scheme and construction ( Kaplan & A ; Norton, 2006:104 ) .

Monday, July 29, 2019

August, Osage County Essay

The theater darkens, crowd’s light chatter subsides, and stage lights focus our attention on a magnificent structure. It’s a traditional farmhouse, with all your typical nooks and crannies, so big it juts out into the audience as if forcing us into this structure. The farmhouse is big. Three floors of potential activity kind of big. After over 3 hours of incredibly well acted scenes and biting dialogue I found myself contemplating: is the star of this show actually the set itself? August, Osage County is a compelling drama about a family in crisis. They’re dealing with problems from the past and issues from the present. The family has a complex history of intertwining story lines where everyone seems to be unravelling, all in this farmhouse. At the beginning of the story, the characters are reunited for the first time in years due to the death of the family patriarch, Beverly Weston. From the moment everyone is together in the same house (and on the same stage) you get a feel for how divided and disconnected this family actually is. This division is expertly paralleled in the different rooms of the house. Each room seemed to represent a different character or couple of characters. For example, the office den the story’s first scene opens in is representative of the character Beverly Weston: cluttered, old, and now dead. When any of the characters were in that room they seemed to reminisce about good times and old memories, much like Beverly did, who was tormented by a certain significant memory, which becomes the main plot revelation in the third act. The energy of the set could be measured by the house aesthetics. When the lights were on and up, the characters were lively and the dialogue was colorful. Once the lights would dim and characters would scurry off to their sleeping quarters they were confined to their own emotions, setting the mood for their surroundings, or was it the surroundings setting the mood for them? The way the set was â€Å"dressed† also revealed quite a bit about the family. The farmhouse was clustered with rich, atmospheric trinkets and furniture that subconsciously gave us (the audience) more depth into the lives of these people. The storage closet on the top floor, packed to the maximum with items never explored or mentioned in the story, is symbolic of the old, dusty secrets the family is hiding from one another. I found myself  thinking about that storage closet after the play was over. It wasn’t necessary to have for the purpose of acting out the play, but was most definitely included to add a visual aid in telling the story and providing some subtle metaphor. This family was full of secrets, packed to the brim and unexplored. Issues locked tightly behind closed doors. Johnna, the only character outside the family to live in the house, has her personal space where she sleeps up in the attic on the third floor, right next to that previously mentioned storage closet†¦ the one full of secrets. A heavy metaphor for her window into the lives of this family presented itself to me as I thought more about the proximity of her space to that closet. Here she was, a complete outsider with no personal history with this family, yet throughout the story various members of the Weston house would confide in her, even more than they did their own kin. Johnna is front and center in the pivotal final scene. The tormented mother Violet Weston, now all alone in her house after all the family secrets had been revealed and left out in the open to ferment, searches her home for anyone to talk to. Between floors in the farmhouse, which in itself speaks of where the characters might be in life, Johnna recites the haunting words from a T.S. Elliot poem: â€Å"This is the way the world ends, this is the way the world ends†. Lights out. The exit lights turn from dim to bright, the audience begins to clap as the cast makes their way to the front of the stage to take their bow, and I take one more look at all the colorful, twisted, complex characters, including the enormously complex and layered—literally—character of the farmhouse, who could unfortunately not bow.

Muslims who assimilate are better off than those who maintain their Essay

Muslims who assimilate are better off than those who maintain their traditions and culture - Essay Example The general belief among Islamic scholars is that "all men are not created equal, and democracy eventually lets the fortunate over-run the less fortunate. The idea of a caliphate is only now beginning to take hold in the Arab world. Europe won't come around until our example is there to follow "(Chu). Democracy in its present form is unacceptable to Islam. Islamic world believe that the efforts of Europeans to spread democracy across Arab world is an attempt to destroy Islamic culture and traditions. The agitations happening at present in Libya, Yemen, Syria, Bahrain, Oman, etc like Arab countries are perceived as the deliberate attempt by the Western World to topple Islamic administrations prevailing in those countries. It should be noted that these agitations were originated not because of the interferences of any other Western country, but because of the self-realization of people about their present pathetic conditions compared that in other countries. In fact the recent successf ul revolution in Egypt and the marginalization of people by the patriarchal administrations motivated the people in other Arab countries to fight against the fundamental Islamic administrations. â€Å"In the social realm, Shari'a is more restrictive than Western norms and lifestyles.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Music 100 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Music 100 - Essay Example The Seattle Symphony is an important part of the Pacific Northwest cultural scene and is acknowledged for its extraordinary performances, recordings, programming, and community engagement. With a dedicated subscriber base of more than 30,000 patrons, the band presents over 200 performances annually to an audience of more than 300,000 music lovers. The Seattle Symphony made its first performance on December 29, 1903 and still holds an important place in the world of symphonic music. The Orchestra is currently under the mentorship of Ludovic Marlot, one of the leading conductors of his generation. The band performs at Benarayo Hall, where people of all ages come to explore the world of symphonic music through classes, exhibits, and live music presentation. Symphony orchestra uses a number of instruments depending on how big the symphony is. Seattle Symphony used violin, viola, flute, harp, violin, trumpet, double bass, cello, marimba, Piccolo, Timpani, piano and trumpet. The instruments that Seattle Symphony uses to play melodies include xylophone and marimba. They soloist plays only the melody instruments in the first movement. Generally, all instruments in an orchestra can play harmony, excluding unturned percussions. The instruments that Seattle Symphony uses to play include violin, piano, and cello. Instruments used in rhythm section usually vary, but Seattle symphony used bass, piano, drums, xylophone, timpani, snare drum, chimes, and guitar. The aim of these instruments is to provide the backing for melodic instruments such as saxophone. The orchestra mainly played major keys but deviated on the Symphony in G minor, resulting in a dramatic, expressive piece. Symphony music is quite better than any other type of performance. The concert opened with the track â€Å"Concerto Fantasy,† which opens brashly. It has interplay between two timpanists against strings on the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Password Management Protocol vulnerabilities Essay

Password Management Protocol vulnerabilities - Essay Example Many users use autocompleting in their browser and this main threat for the password security and we will show It on the example of one non-malicious software called â€Å"WebBrowserpassview†. We will analyze the password storage protocol used in the browser like Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox Mozilla, Seamonkey. These browsers store their passwords almost equally and their passwords can be revealed to the hacker with the help of the tool we mentioned above. Because mechanism of the encrypting passwords is very weak and even the simplest applications can retrieve them from their register, moreover, this application has good interface and getting passwords can present problem for the hacker, because it needs physical contact with the target computer, however, there are thousands modifications of this software which have hidden interface and after the running can send all passwords on the email or FTP-server of the hacker. Therefore saving of the passwords in the browser is quite doubtful method of password storage (10 Most Popular Password Cracking Tools 2014). Here we can see good interface for the passwords viewing and various operations with them. This application allow user to save them to the file. This file can be copied to other emails and then used in malicious activities like the accessing some bank-accounts without the two-step authorization that requires special key that system sends to the cell-phone of the user or to the email. There are many ways to protect computer from such attacks. The first way – avoiding downloading some software, regardless from the content and specifications written on the site, if the site is not or other associated site to the OS user use. Creators of the password storage systems can use special encrypting protocols which will help to defend passwords from retrieving with some application. Moreover, developers can use key file that will give access to the passwords, we mean any file in the system that will be

Friday, July 26, 2019

Articles of Confederation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Articles of Confederation - Essay Example Constitution was written in 1787, ratified the next year, and George Washington assumed its presidency one year after that. (Bush Defends Rate of Progress in Iraq, p. A03) However, it is also believed that the cause for the alterations was widespread mistrust of the fundamental authority and jealousy of some states involved in this issue. Unfortunately, these were some reasons which resulted the emasculation of the articles of confederation. When the 13 original American colonies met in 1774 to ratify the Articles of Confederation - the first draft of the US Constitution - smaller states were frightened of domination by larger states and every state was frightened of losing its independence. (United State of Confusion p. 8). Moreover, Strang also believes that "the Articles established a "confederacy" and "firm league of friendship" of "free [] and independent[t]" states. It purported to create a "perpetual Union" between the same". (Strang, P. 909) In fact, when ratified the articles of confederation the articles declared solemnly that each of thirteen states would enjoy freedom, independence and sovereignty. Soon after the ratification of articles of confederation each thirteen states enjoyed equal rights and privileges, freedom of movement, and most importantly the articles of confederation clearly outlined the trials of criminals accused. ... Nonetheless, in this regard, neither separate judicial branches nor executives were provided for. According to Golove D the articles of confederation, though in some few respects national, were mainly of a pure federative character and were treated as stipulations between states.( Golove, p.1697) As a matter of fact, congress was the only authority that had major obligations such as declaring war or peach, maintaining or rotating foreign relations with other nations, army and navy command, foreign disputes regarding boundaries, conducting and settling postal services and so forth. Nevertheless, some aforesaid obligations were shared among states and in one way or another in this respect congress was the alone authority who was dependent upon cooperation of the states for carrying out any of them. "Four visible weaknesses of the articles, apart from those of organization, made it impossible for Congress to execute its constitutional duties. These were analyzed in numbers 15-22 of The FEDERALIST, the political essays in which Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay argued the case for the U.S. CONSTITUTION of 1787". ( Golove, p.1697) In this regard, the very first weakness of the articles was that according to it the congress could not legislate for individual peoples; however, it could legislate only for state, consequently, congress could not enforce legislation. Secondly, congress under this article could evaluate its expenses and can distribute those among the states, and it was calculated on behalf of land's value, but congress had no right and power on taxes. In order to raise the money for these expenses and turn the proceeds over to congress, States had rights and powers to mark tax their

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Financial issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Financial issues - Assignment Example The global financial crisis is one that has affected many companies. This has led to many changes with regard to the various regulations that exist. There is development in financial planning and the management of wealth (Elizabeth 1156). The article critically discusses this and shows the manner through which the global financial crisis of 2008 has led to trading of financial instruments. There is also the existent issue in modern days with regard to financial instruments that brings up the question of disclosure in the relevant industries and a case in example is what happens in Brazil mostly (Malaquias 95). Many companies do not seem to appreciate the value of privacy in an organization. In modern days, privacy is so poor such that financial statements of various debtors are portrayed to other people that attend to the same bank. Financial reporting is also important as some people fail to offer the important information that is necessary for financial instruments and planning. This information is such as the actual assets that the company or individual bears (Mark 3). It is important for these people to offer exact information to assist in the actual planning of a person’s or the investment of the company. Malaquias, Fernandes. â€Å"Disclosure of financial instruments according to International Accounting Standards: empirical evidence from Brazilian companies.† Brazilian Business Review, 2013: 10, 3. Pgs 82 – 107. Elizabeth, Blankespoor. â€Å"Fair Value Accounting for Financial Instruments: Does It Improve the Association between Bank Leverage and Credit Risk?† Accounting Review, 2013, 88, 4. Pgs 1143 –

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reflections of what happened in early childhood center of early Essay - 2

Reflections of what happened in early childhood center of early childhood education in NZ as in order 509071 - Essay Example I realize I need to learn how to help children resolve conflicts between children whether or not there is a parent present resolve conflicts Analyse: I have learned from my studies and my experiences that young children are very egocentric (Piaget & Inhelder, 1969). The think the world revolves around them and that they can get anything they want. Perhaps that may be true in their homes especially if they are pampered little children who have their parents at their beck and call but when they enter into another social system like joining a children’s centre, they become aware that there are other children like them who are likewise egocentric and that they need to adjust to each other. In doing so, they learn the basics of socialization, sometimes the hard way, such as the fight I witnessed between the two boys wanting the same toy. Although I know that the situation is an opportunity for me to help them learn sharing, I myself was unsure of what to do. Theorise: Play is a goo d avenue for children to learn how they should behave with others. Sharing is one thing they learn when they have prolonged interactions with other children. They also get to learn socially acceptable behavior like not hurting others and playing fair. Most importantly, they get to know themselves better- how they react to certain situations in the play setting. Te Whariki promotes these through its principle of Relationships and its strands of Mana Tangata (Contribution) and Mana Reo (Communication) (Nuttall, 2003). In terms of conflicts that usually ensue during play sessions, children need to learn how to resolve them on their own. However, as toddlers, they would need adults to help them out due to their lack of social and language skills. As they grow, they need to develop the confidence in managing their own conflicts. By having a healthy self-esteem, sound decision-making skills and emotional intelligence, children develop confidence in the management of conflicts. They also n eed to be cognitively capable of processing information in order to solve simple problems. Act: Whether there is a parent around or not, I should learn to help toddlers in conflict with each other. I may be able to provide them both with a toy they both like or introduce a new game altogether. I can also teach them to delay their gratification by waiting for their turn in playing with a toy they both want. I will give each one a toy and one child can play with the preferred toy while the other counts to 10 and at the count of 10, they can switch toys. Not only will they learn to rote count but they will get to enjoy both toys and learn to wait for their turns. Enjoining the parent who is parent to encourage both children to share is one thing I can also do. I will get to see how the parent reacts with my strategy and at the same time I can also get feedback if it works. Reference: Nuttall, J. (Ed.). (2003). Weaving Te Whariki: Aotearoa New Zealand &early childhood curriculum documen t in theory and practice.Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Council for Educational Research. Â   Piaget, J. & Inhelder, B. (1969) The Psychology of the Child. New York: Basic Books Reflection 6 LEARNING OUTCOME: Describe: Each day during mat time is a time for the teachers to inculcate in the children their Maori culture. The teachers teach songs in Maori and English, let them count or teach colours in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Democracy - Essay Example Plutocracy is less idealistic than democracy in that it is not the people’s voice but the will of the institutions that holds sway over policy. But plutocracy is still better than a totalitarian society where power is concentrated in the hands of small ruling elite with no accountability. Dahl classifies political systems under a spectrum of five gradations. At the top of the scale are the fairest systems that employ ‘rational persuasion’ for gathering public consensus. At the bottom of the scale are brutal autocracies that regularly resort to ‘physical force’ to keep the population under control. But Dahl admits that even in the most fair of existing systems the power is wielded from top-down. This means that the notion of democracy as a people-inspired and people-regulated governing system does not exist anywhere today. Professor Charles Hauss understands democracy in terms of functioning electoral politics. Any nation-state that conducts free and f air elections periodically would qualify as democratic under this view. In Hauss’ own words â€Å"free, open and competitive elections are central conditions for a democracy†. (Hauss, as quoted in Edwards 2010) Also important to this setup is the credibility of ‘rule of law’. ... To this extent this latter category of countries would only be nominal democratic societies. When we analyze the American political system in the backdrop of the definitions of Hauss and Dahl, we can note a few divergences. What Dahl’s list of options for population control does not mention is ‘propaganda’. The Chomsky-Herman propaganda model fills the gap left by Dahl’s conceptualization. Given that America is the birthplace for modern advertising and the Public Relations industry (PR) in the country is billions of dollars worth, it is fair to claim that PR is the foremost method here for the control of public minds. It is difficult to place the American style of governance in the gradation offered by Dahl. The most benign method of generating public consensus proposed by Dahl is ‘rational persuasion’. America is an exception to even this benign form of manufactured consent, for what the PR industry does is irrational persuasion. As Chomsky-He rman note, advertising is all about â€Å"misinforming people so that they make irrational choices†. (Chomsky, quoted in Wilson 2010) There is less divergence with Hauss’ understanding of democracy, for he links it with the capitalist economy. America being the leading practitioner of capitalism qualifies under Hauss’ classification. Moreover, there is competent enforcement of law within the country, although America is well-known for breaching international law, especially under the auspices of the United Nations. Seymour Martin Lipset, on the other hand, would have found the American political system disappointing in terms of how democratic he found it to be. He believed that â€Å"the more well-to-do a nation, the greater the chances that it will sustain democracy†. (Lipset, quoted in Edwards

What does it take to be successful in life Essay

What does it take to be successful in life - Essay Example Once they have identified their mistakes and outlined the future course of action that they would take in similar circumstances, they tend to overcome their weaknesses the next time they are in them. Right behavior and rational approach is like a skill that is mastered through practice, experience and reflection upon it. â€Å"An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field† (Bohr cited in â€Å"Mistakes Quotes†). Man has been given the ability to decide much of his fortune himself. Those who think and reflect upon their experiences for learning make their life different from the larger group that does not. One is required to be humble in one’s attitude towards others. One should deal others with the same respect one wants others to deal one with. That does not necessarily mean that one should kill one’s ego and accept any thing that the society has to offer. One should never kill one’s ego. Those who completely loose their ego are at the expense of the society and hence, are vulnerable to unjust criticism, humility and insult. The society considers such people as worthless and makes every attempt to ruin their pleasure and hurt their sentiments. An egoless person is treated very badly and shrewdly by the society at large. Lack of ego destroys an individual’s boundaries. â€Å"Having fuzzy boundaries means you are vulnerable to those who wish to use you, enslave you or hurt you† (Self, Ego and Boundaries†). Therefore, killing one’s ego is never the wise option. However, it should be made right use of. One should be wise enough to know whe re to use ego and to what extent. One should always take a stand for what one considers right and always condemn what one deems wrong. This can only be achieved with the appropriate use of ego. Right use of ego guarantees an individual success and respect in his/her life. People tend to show reverence towards such an individual as they know that he/she is courageous,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Human being Essay Example for Free

Human being Essay There has always been a concern as to why some people behave in some weird ways that not any ordinary person will act in such a manner. It is a fact that all individuals are different from each other but there are expectations that human beings have over others. That certain character trait should not be expected in a normal human being. A study into the issues of psychopath and sociopath will help to show some light to the question of how different persons can be described and classified in a view of understanding human behavior and human psychology. Who are psychopaths or sociopaths? According to Patrick (2007) a psychopath or a sociopath is an individual who displays unique unordinary behaviors as compared to the other normal human beings. Such an individual shows signs of not having any guilt or troubled conscience for something he or she has done which is wrong, likes putting blame on other people for the mistakes that he or she commits, likes lying all the time about several issues, do not value other people as fellow human beings, get involved in destructive actions fights and wars, some are sexually irresponsible, have low self control, not realistic in whatever they plan and do, and seem to attract the attention of others by portraying a false picture of themselves among other unordinary behaviors. What are the causes? As argued in Goldstein and Weiner (2003) there are some reasons that have been found out to result in the development of such character traits some of them include; in born traits that a person inherits from his or her family background, some could happen where the society in which people live in draws lines of behaviors that seem to be extra ordinary from the rest of others in the society, would come also as a result of the influences of the external environment and as a result of the adaptive strategies in a bid to survive in the world with others and the problems and experiences that a person underwent while growing will also contribute like if a person was exposed to violent circumstances in hi or her childhood the same things are likely to be done by that person. Is the female psychopath different from the male sociopath? How and in what way? Why is this important to understand? The way in which a female psychopath behaves tends to be more similar to that of their male counterparts although the ratio of male to female a bit higher. The kind of activities that they involve themselves in are the ones that will help to distinguish the differences but basically the same idea is that they all display behaviors that seem to be unruly, Berecz (1999). A female psychopath will show behaviors like; most of them would not want to get into a serious marriage commitment by staying with a husband but instead would prefer to stay alone with her children, would want to be draw the attention of the people around her, likely to mistreat her own children, she does not want to strive for anything that can help her but instead will want other people to do everything she is supposed to do for her benefit Million, Simonsen and Smith (2003). According to Gill and Barraclough (2007) such a female person is too proud of herself and could want to have all the things that others have to herself. In some cases will want to attempt suicide as a way to deal with her problems, all her life she will be blaming other people for the miseries she might be undergoing. She engages in criminal activities like conning people their belongings, leading people to crimes, are drug addicts of a high extent with their life styles leading to sex exploits and males and females they way she wishes for herself which in some instances could include killing. As discussed in Herve and Yuille (2007) the males will involve themselves in very many sexual relationships with women and will be able to convince women with a lot of ease to get into relationships with him. He tends to spend his money in a reckless way, like involving themselves in criminal activities like murder, violent robberies, once he marries he is likely to abandon his wife and children and being unfaithful to the other spouse. Involve themselves in ungodly acts like having sex with the animals, would like to cover his weaknesses with good acts like being generous with his wealth. They are also likely to drug addicts like alcohol, bhang among others. Conclusion According to the analysis that has been made above the way Female psychopaths behave is different from the way male sociopaths would behave because men are more energetic and will display the disorders that they have with relating with others by use of applying force in either fighting, car breaking , among other physical means of applying force. As for the females their disorders will be see through the various reacts that a female will undertake like her talking and other means of communication. They involve themselves in many sexual relationships and will get away with it from all the partners without admitting to that behavior among others Berecz (1999). Word count 876 References Alan Goldstein, Irving Weiner (2003). Forensic psychology: Forensic psychology. John Wiley and sons publishers. Christopher J. Patrick (2007). Handbook of Psychopathy. Guilford press. David Gill, Jennifer Barraclough (2007). Hughes’ outline of modern psychiatry. 5th edition, John Wiley and sons publishers. John M. Berecz (1999). Sexual styles: a psychologist’s guide to understanding our lover’s personality. Humanics publishing group H Herve, John C. Yuille (2007). The psychopath: theory, research and practice. Routledge publishers. Theodore Million, E. Simonsen, M. B smith (2003). Psychopapthy: Antisocial, criminal and violent behavior. Guilford press. .

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Topic Of Spanking Children

The Topic Of Spanking Children One day last summer, I hung out with my friends Elizabeth and Kisha. Elizabeth is a young mother with a 3-year-old son named Raine. Elizabeth did not know how to control her son; on that day, the three of us went to a strip mall to shop for clothes, and Raine was with us. While we were shopping, Raine wandered off many times from his mother, and she rarely told him anything. Then, he threw huge tantrums whenever he saw something he could not have. I bit my tongue so much that day because despite how I felt about his behavior, it was not my place to tell anyone else how to raise his or her children. He was very bratty; he made a scene in a convenience store we all walked into, becoming disobedient and defiant with Elizabeth and screaming at her. Still, I said nothing out of good taste. Finally, the topic of whether or not I would make a good father came up because I saw a couple with children who were behaving well; I enjoy children when they are well-behaved. I was making no attempt to attack Elizabeths parenting even though her son was horrible. I was merely conjecturing my own capabilities at parenthood. I could no longer bite my tongue. The girl with the out-of-control child, of all people, had the audacity to imply that I may not be a good parent. Before I realized it, I told her, Well at least my children will know how to conduct themselves in public and will not talk to me any kind of way. He is clearing acting up and disrespecting you, but you refuse to spank him. Because of this, Elizabeth and I do not talk much anymore. I suggested that she spank Raine. She obviously did not believe in spanking bad children. I thought it was very foolish of her to have this mindset because she never employed any other disciplinary technique that was successful in altering his behavior. She, along with others, believes that spanking is wrong. I do not think that it is absolutely right, but I do believe that the positive outweighs the negative; parents should be allowed to spank their children when it is necessary. There is an appropriate way for parents to do this without abusing their children. Though, it is not absolute, spanking can still be very effective. Children are not perfect beings who do not make mistakes. Children need to be taught respect and appropriate behavior. They need to know that there are consequences for not following the rules. What exactly is spanking? Kazdin and Benjet define spanking as the act of hitting a child with an open palm on the buttocks or the extremities (hands and legs) with the intent to discipline without leaving any bruises or injuries (Kazdin Benjet, 100). Larry Winget, a father and also the author of Your Kids are Your Own Fault: A Guide for Raising Responsible, Productive, Young Adults, agrees with this definition and believes that spanking should be used to alter undesirable behavior in children, not to hurt them (Winget, 88). What is discipline? Any attempt to change or control a childs behavior is discipline (Brown, 69). Discipline can be divided into two sub-categories: autonomy-granting techniques and restrictive techniques. Autonomy -granting techniques allow a child to correct his or her behavior on his or her own accord. These techniques are generally non-punitive and include lecturing and oral disapproval. U. Bronfenbrenner affirms that middle class parents tend to use these t echniques which include reasoning, isolation, and guilt (Brown, 68). Research shows that families with higher socioeconomic statuses (SESs) tend to have punishments that are very lenient in correcting misbehavior. Restrictive techniques force a child to alter his or her behavior by incentive: punishment (Brown, 68-9). And obviously, spanking is a form of punishment, and therefore is included with time-outs, grounding, privilege revocation, and all other restrictive techniques. Whether or not parents should be able to spank their children, and to what extent, is a very controversial debate. Like any debate, there are contenders of the idea. These contenders make some valid, however flawed, statements against spanking. One is that spanking instills fear into children, and children who will comply with the rules via spanking will not do so out of respect; they will succumb out of fear (Davis, 141). Another argument is that spanking is abusive and condones violence as an acceptable way to solve a problem (Davis, 143). These claims are true only when the spanking turns into abuse. Davis included a question from a parent answered by M. Senn, an opponent of spanking. He asked: Q: Should I hit my child back when he hits me? A: No, you should not. If you strike him back, you are teaching him that the only way to respond in anger is by physical blows, and it may turn into a fist fight (Davis, 141). There is so much wrong with this all together. For one, if a child is audacious enough to hit his own parents in a non-life-threatening scenario, the ones who conceived him, then he deserves to be punished. He or she should also realize that if he or she has enough moxie to hit anyone, parent or not, then he or she should be brave enough to get beat down if it escalates to something more serious. In others words, do not throw a punch if you cannot take one. A child is headed in the wrong direction if he or she thinks that he or she can be violent without suffering any consequences. And, one can certainly not hit a random person out on the streets and expect not to be retaliated against. We live in a society where skirmishes turn into bloodbaths because people think that they can handle them with their fists. Ideally, fighting is not the answer, but parents should certainly not condone abuse by their own children. That is crazy. And if parents have to spank their children to convey th at message to them, then I support it one hundred percent. Tibbetts affirms that spanking is but a single act among many that supports civilized behavior against the natural barbarism of the American brat (Davis, 144). Leaving children undisciplined is like leaving people to anarchy; it just will not work. There are many adults who lack the judgment and reasoning capabilities needed to function in society. And, children are still developing mentally and physically in order to be able to cope as adults. Why would one assume that children, non-adults, will be fine if left to their own devices? Opponents of spanking believe that it encourages the development of bad character in kids; children who do not want spankings become very deviant by lying to avoid them (Davis, 140). However, one parent with an 8-year-old named George chose not to spank him and found that it permitted George to be dishonest and defiant. The father saw an improvement in Georges behavior after he decided to span k him and noted that he only had to spank his son a few times by the time George turned thirteen (Davis, 137). Opponents argue that the people who support spanking are religious fundamentalists who base their reasons to justify it on the Bible, a book that some, depending on their own particular beliefs, view as unsubstantial (Davis, 139). Proverbs 13:24 reads that he who spares the rod does not love his child, and that he who loves his child will discipline him or her promptly. Despite how one may feel about Christianity and the Bible, the practicality and cogency of this statement cannot be disputed. Only a negligent parent and fool will let his or her children run amok and not discipline them. And, one final belief that opponents share is that spanking is addictive because of its easiness to execute and gives parents the satisfaction of getting out anger (Davis, 142). Spanking should not be about seeking a thrill, getting revenge, or relieving stress on behalf of the parent. It s hould be simply to discipline the child and nothing more. Anything else and spanking is at risk of becoming abuse. Kazdin and Benjet agree that spanking isnt necessarily positive nor negative, but can be depending on other conditions. Spanking is negative only when it becomes abuse. Physical abuse is punishment that is severe, excessive, and physically harmful and dangerous to the child. Physical abuse can involve the use of objects. It is also noted to be directed at parts of the body that are not included in the proper definition of spanking: the buttocks or extremities (Kazdin Benjet, 100). Slapping a child in the face is considered physical abuse. Punching a child is definitely a form of abuse. Allow us to examine the movie Mommie Dearest. The film told the story of Christina Crawford, the adopted daughter of the late actress Joan Crawford. In the film, Christina and her brother were subjected to the harsh abuse and strictness of their mother. There was a scene in the movie when Joan was upset with Christina for hanging her own clothes with a wire hanger. Because of this, Joan beat Christina with the same wire hanger to teach her a lesson: do not hang your clothes with wire hangers. How preposterous does that sound? If that is not a clear image of physical abuse, then I do not know what is. There was no reasoning behind it. To say that the punishment was excessive would be an understatement; it was uncalled for, period. Joan Crawford must have had mental issues because responsible, mentally fit parents do not act this way. Another film depicting child abuse is Precious. The film depicted the life of a 16-year-old, African-American girl named Claireece Precious Jones who was obese, illiterate, and suffered severe forms of mental, physical, and sexual abuse from her parents. In one scene, Preciouss mother Mary attempted to hit her in the head with a cooking pot. This was because she thought Precious told an adult from her school to come to the house to discuss the benefits of education and alternative schooling with Mary in regards to Precious. Discussing education is a justifiable reason to try to give ones own child a concussion. The reality was that the adult came to Precious and Marys home of her own accord; Precious even warned the adult to not come because she knew Mary would react this way. In another scene, Mary forced Precious to eat a huge plate of pigs feet Precious made for Mary because it was not of her liking. She glared at Precious coldly, making sure that Precious ate every bit of it befo re she would make Precious cook dinner again, right this time. This was why Precious was morbidly obese. In yet another scene, Mary attacked Precious and her newborn when they finally came home after leaving the hospital. Mary did this because she was angry with Precious for coming clean to a social worker about the abuse she suffered. Mary was also jealous of Precious because Marys boyfriend (who was also Preciouss father) preferred to sleep with Precious and not her; both of Preciouss children, the newborn included, were products of rape from her father. In this scene, Mary waited for Precious to come home with the baby and asked Precious if she could hold him. Then, she told Precious to get her something to drink. While Preciouss back was turned, Mary tossed the baby to the ground and then threw a flower pot at the back of Preciouss head, causing it to shatter. She hurled more objects at Precious and cursed at her. She then charged at Precious, and a violent scuffle ensued. Lucki ly, Precious and her baby able to leave the apartment with minor injuries. Precious ran down the staircase with the baby and fell down; they both were miraculously fine. Fortunately, she moved herself and her child out of the way before a television came falling down the stair well from the floor of her mothers apartment; Mary, out of hate, tried to kill her own daughter and grandson. Although the Precious movie depicted an overly extreme case of physical abuse among other abuses, it defined it nonetheless. With that being said, proper spanking done from a responsible parent should never be mistaken for abuse. Spanking, when done properly, is actually a great tool for discipline. Studies show that 74% of American parents of children age seventeen and younger use spanking as a disciplinary technique while 94% of parents with children age three to four spank (Kazdin Benjet, 100). Spanking cannot be as bad as some people make it seem if virtually all parents do it. E.T. Gershoff concluded with an analysis of 88 studies that spanking had negative effects only when it was abusive (Kazdin Benjet, 100-01). Sweden passed a law in 1979 banning spanking to prevent child abuse. However, child abuse cases increased six-fold from 1981 to 1994 (Larzelere, 5). Spanking is not that issue that people should worry about; abuse is the issue. One father concurs that spanking prepares children for the real world; in the real world, people are punished for breaking the rules. He states, To have rules for behavior without the threat of physical punishment is like having laws without jails (Davis, 138). To the people who argue that spanking promotes fear in children, is fear really a bad thing? Is it not that same fear that prevents many children from getting in trouble in the first place? Is it not fear that scares adults from committing crimes that will otherwise put them in jail or prison? Is it not fear that promotes safety and good judgment in people anyway? People argue about deviant behavior to avoid punishment. If people, children included, are doing the right thing to begin with, then they should not have to worry about being punished. It is as simple as that. Let us consider the story of the little boy who burned himself after playing with the stove after his mother told him not to. She understood that the fire looked cool but advised him not to touch it because it will burn him. Out of his own defiance and curiosity, he touched the fire anyway and so forth. Analogously, spanking is the fire. He did not listen to his mother and had to suffer the consequences: being burnt. And ho pefully, he learned first-hand that fire burns and that he should not touch it if he does not want to get burnt again. Analogously, children should behave accordingly if they do not want any spankings. And, that is the practicality that makes spanking effective; it presents the child with an unfavorable outcome if he or she decides to be disobedient. Larry Winget agrees that children who are effectively and appropriately punished have more love and respect for their parents because their parents are showing that they care enough to correct potentially self-destructive behaviors in their children (Winget, 86); Janis Cambell believes that people tend to raise their children the way that their parents raised them (Cambell, 199). If this is true, then it is safe to say that Larry Winget respects and loves his parents, and they spanked him whenever it was necessary; he does the same to his children, and they love and respect him. Properly spanking a child when it is necessary can aid in ensuring that the child in question is not going down the wrong path and getting into trouble. Dianne is contemplating spanking her child. How does she go about it properly? Dr. Diana Braumrind states that Parents should first use verbal disciplinary reasoning to correct misbehavior. If that fails, then use non-physical punishments such as time-outs. If the problem persists, then use non-abusive spanking to correct the behavior (Larzelere, 4). Larry Wingets approach to discipline involves mak[ing] the punishment about the behavior and not about the person. With his experience as a father, he believes that parents should stress that they are spanking their children to alter their behavior, not because the children are bad people. He urges parents not to attack their childrens personalities (93). Doing so could potentially harm their mental developments. Winget continues by stating that parents need to make the punishment fit the crime (92). Do not spank a child if he or she forgets not to smack at the dinner table. Do not spank him when the both of you are at the grocery store and he asks for Skittles despite you telling him that you were not buying any candy prior to walking in. If you say no and he throws a massive tantrum and knocks items off the shelves, then spank him. Only spank a child when it is absolutely necessary. Winget affirms that anger is an appropriate response to [an] offense, and that a parent should wait to administer punishment because he or she may lose his or her temper and do something he or she may regret: seriously injuring the child (91, 92). Most of all, Winget stresses that a good parent will talk with his or her child so the child can have a better understanding of why he or she is being punished. Talking allows the parent to exercise judgment when listening to the child and figure out why the child did what he or she did so that the parent can determine how to punish the child. This can also help the parent to decide whether or not a spanking is even necessary (92-93). Good parents who spank their children are not the vicious , evil monsters that people believe them to be. The procedures mentioned by Braumrind and Winget show sympathy to the child. Although spanking can be a great means of discipline, it is not the most perfect method. No discipline is. However, it can be very effective. The first flaw with spanking is that it may not work on every child. Winget agrees that different kids require different punishments, and that spanking is an effective tool with some kids. Wingets son Tyler responded better to discussions and lectures while his other son Patrick responded better to being spanked (87; 88). The second imperfection with spanking is that its efficacy is subjected to severity and frequency (Kazdin Benjet, 100). Spanking loses its effectiveness when it is overused and is the only method of discipline, and it is very easy for parents to exhaust this method (Winget, 88). I can recall children from my childhood who were spanked almost everyday by their mothers and were still problematic. I remember these mothers spanking their kids and nothing else; they never asked them why did you do it? Rather, they found the neares t belt, or switch (long twig from a tree), or loafer and began whipping with the deepest frustration. In a study, Kazdin and Benjet found that occasional, mild spanking accompanied with other disciplinary techniques showed to be the most positive, effective form of punishment (101). One study states that parents from lower SESs tend to spank their children more while middle-class parents favored reasoning, isolation, guilt, and the threat of loss of love over spanking (Brown, 68). Researchers concluded that the parents of the lower SESs had higher levels of stress; stress is linked to physical abuse (Giles-Sims, Straus Sugarman, 171). However, M.L. Kahn did a study stating that working-class (lower SES) parents tended to spank when their childrens behavior was most extreme, but held back whenever they sensed that spanking was not the appropriate course of action (Brown, 68); These parents displayed good judgment while chastising their children. Though spanking is not the utmost, ab solute way of effective discipline, it can still be an effective tool when coupled with other methods and used with proper judgment. Despite all the benefits of spanking and the preponderance of parents who support it, society still frowns upon it. There are many people, doctors and others with merits, who consider proper, mild, non-abusive spanking still abuse. It has become a secretive thing for parents because of the taboo surrounding it despite it being legal; critics have been known to rebuff its legality by comparing it to cigarettes, saying that both are legal, harmful, and habitual (Davis, 142). This argument does not serve good parents who only seek to eliminate bad behavior any justice. Non-abusive spanking is not harmful, and the parents who are successful at correcting misbehavior do not have to spank frequently in order for it to become a habitual thing (Davis 137). With spanking becoming more, and more secretive, parents have been very conscious of how they discipline their children in public places. Parents who suffer the unfortunate circumstance of their children misbehaving in places like the groc ery store face a catch-22: being considered as unfit if they ignore it, or being viewed as abusive if they attempt to correct the misbehavior (Brown, 70). These parents worry about the nosy, meddlesome, old women who believe in all children being cherubs incapable of mischief. They worry about being scrutinized and ultimately reported to authorities for simply trying to raise children to the best of their abilities. Whenever a child is knowingly misbehaving the way children do from time to time, these old women tend to pardon it by saying, Oh, he is just being a kid. Dont punish him. But, whenever a child is extremely offensive, they have the temerity to question and challenge the parenting skills of the adult. Parents are embarrassed when their children act up in public and view it as an emergency situation because of three beliefs concerning parenthood in American society: that children turn out well with good parents, that contemporary parents are not as good as their predecessor s, and that there is no such thing as bad kids only bad parents (Brown, 70). Parents feel judged by these beliefs. With parents judgments conflicting with the mores, it is no wondering why there is so much controversy surrounding the right of parents to spank. While researching, I stumbled across some interesting facts. Studies show that fathers tend to spank their children more than mothers despite mothers being the main disciplinarians who also spend the most time with the children; mothers tend to yell at their children more (Cambell; 199, 202). I remember being spanked by my father more so than by my mom in my childhood. And I also remember her lecturing me more so than my father. Another fact is that younger parents are more likely to spank their children more than older parents (Giles-Sims, Straus Sugarman, 171). That caught my attention because I thought it would be the older group that favored spanking; the old people I grew up around where staunch advocates of spanking problematic children. Boys tend to be spanked more than girls (Giles-Sims, Straus Sugarman, 171). I can see this as being true because the boys I grew up with tended to misbehave more so than the girls. Parents who spank their children more than once often forget how many times they have had to so (Giles-Sims, Straus Sugarman, 171). Losing count is only expected for things that have been done with a sufficient amount of frequency. The final fact that I learned was that Caucasian parents are more likely to spank their children, despite other ethnic groups general acceptance it, particularly African-Americans (Giles-Sims, Straus Sugarman, 171). That, too, was interesting because I always thought Caucasians generally disagreed with spanking. There has been quite a handful of research done on spanking. The issue of spanking is one containing opposing view points. One side of the argument is in dissent about the issue, claiming that it is abuse while the other side supports it as an effective tool. Fact of the matter is, spanking definitely works and is very popular among American parents despite societal tendencies to discourage it. Ideally, if all children did not misbehave, then parents would not need to spank them. A mother in her right mind does not even want to think about spanking her child, let alone having to do it. It becomes a conflict for her because she will see her child misbehaving and know that she will have to spank him. I remember my own mother telling me that spanking will hurt her more than it will hurt me because I would eventually understand my wrong along with the consequences that entail. I would get over it; she, on the other hand, would bear the burden of her conscience because she would be placed in a position to where she would have to spank the child she loves so that he would learn to do better, not because she is angry. Non-abusive spanking should never become synonymous with abuse because abuse is detrimental; proper spanking is the opposite. Non-abusive spanking is not always the best solution, nor is it the only option to every crime committed by the child, but is very effective when done correctly; there is a proper way parents must go about executing it. And finally, there has been extensive research done on the topic. Parents should be allowed to spank their children so that they will become responsible adults with a great understanding of appropriate behavior to have in American society, or any society for that matter.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Okay to Digital Violence :: essays research papers

2500 years ago the Romans were the most powerful civilization on earth, their global power hadn’t been met until the 20th century. When the Romans wanted entertainment they turned to violence. They would have gladiators covered in armor wielding sharp swords fight till the death for entertainment. During the 1500’s the French would behead a criminal publicly to show the citizens how powerful the law was and also for their entertainment. The turn of the century is almost here and such violent acts have all but been abolished. These acts are considered barbaric and we think of ourselves as a more peaceful race. Humans in general are not peaceful in nature, we have always been violent and we shouldn’t try to change our nature as drastically as we have done. There are going to be side effects that we aren’t aware of if we try to remove this important part of our nature. Humans need some form of violence to help cope with stress and the everyday hassles we have created for ourselves. Now with new technology and faster computers we no longer need to injure someone to get that needed amount of violence. Simulated violence is a more humane way of dealing with such problems. Groups of people should partake in sessions of simulated violence to get the dosage of violence they need. When I speak of simulated violence I speak of video games and more specifically multi-player video games. A single-player video game is one where a single person is engaged against the computer. This form of play can help relive stress but not nearly as much as a multi-player game. A multi-player game is one where at least 2 people are playing against each other. Multi-player games highly satisfy the need for violence because it becomes easy to show aggression against someone with injury or personal harm. I have been a player of these games since I was younger and I have participated in many multi-player games. The games I have been evolved in mostly had at least 3 players and are generally at night and during the weekend. Games consisting of only 2 players aren’t played as frequently as a game with more simply because they aren’t as entertaining.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A session of playing will start almost whenever there are a few men in the vicinity of a playing console. The game playing can usually become the centerpiece of a small party, enabling the players to enjoy playing and all bystanders to watch what unfolds while waiting their turn.

British Mercantilism Essay -- essays research papers

Economic ideas and systems come and go. Many systems have failed and many have succeeded. The British system of mercantilism was actually quite a good system for England. They raked in profits from their colonies. The only problem was that they did not give enough economic freedom to their colonies. At almost every turn, the British tried to restrict what their colonies could do and whom they could trade with. In hindsight, I believe that the British may have been a bit more lenient on their restrictions because the constant prohibitions eventually lead to revolution†¦ England did not directly control its colonies. Instead, they let joint-stock companies control and provide funds and foodstuffs for the colonies. Modern day corporations find their roots in these Joint-stock companies. The joint-stock companies were comprised of a group of entrepreneurs who provided the funds for all the voyages and supplies. The people funding the company usually controlled the colony as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dominion of New England was set up by English officials to unite the colonies into one defense against the Native   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Americans. It was run by a man named Andros, who began to levy taxes on all the colonists without first getting input from the various assemblies from the colonies. The Dominion of New England was eventually overrun. Andros was being searched for because of the failings of this Dominion, so he took cover and tried to escape the colonies by dressing like a woman. However, his boots gave him away.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The colonists were growing more and more displeased by the economic system the British were forcing on them, and then the Molasses Act came. This Act placed high tariffs on sugar, molasses and rum imported into New England in a effort to prevent colonial trade with the French West Indies sugar islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe. British sugar merchants on the islands of Barbados, Antigua and Jamaica had complained to Parliament. The law was enacted to restrict non-British trade and to further enforce the concept that trade was to be done only on British owned ships. In response to this Act, the colonists began to smuggle goods into the colonies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Parliament also passed a series of Navigation Laws, which further restricted trade from the colonies. Cromwell passe... ...ion and ideas and to build colonial unity, and, in 1774, these committees prepared the way for the First Continental Congress. The representatives at this First Continental Congress, except for a few radicals, had not met to consider independence, but wished only to persuade the British government to recognize their rights. A plan of reconciliation offered by Joseph Galloway was rejected. It was agreed that the colonies would refuse to import British goods until colonial grievances were righted, those grievances were listed in petitions to the king, and the congress adjourned.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The British mercantile system was doomed for disaster from the moment that the colonists set foot on the new continent. At first the British gave the colonists a certain feeling of independence, then they put the collar on and expected the colonists to do everything that they asked them to. What happened in the American colonies is a great example of the line â€Å"Give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.† The British set up the colonies in the idea of making money, which was the whole point behind mercantilism. However, you can’t expect people to kneel down and obey forever. British Mercantilism Essay -- essays research papers Economic ideas and systems come and go. Many systems have failed and many have succeeded. The British system of mercantilism was actually quite a good system for England. They raked in profits from their colonies. The only problem was that they did not give enough economic freedom to their colonies. At almost every turn, the British tried to restrict what their colonies could do and whom they could trade with. In hindsight, I believe that the British may have been a bit more lenient on their restrictions because the constant prohibitions eventually lead to revolution†¦ England did not directly control its colonies. Instead, they let joint-stock companies control and provide funds and foodstuffs for the colonies. Modern day corporations find their roots in these Joint-stock companies. The joint-stock companies were comprised of a group of entrepreneurs who provided the funds for all the voyages and supplies. The people funding the company usually controlled the colony as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dominion of New England was set up by English officials to unite the colonies into one defense against the Native   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Americans. It was run by a man named Andros, who began to levy taxes on all the colonists without first getting input from the various assemblies from the colonies. The Dominion of New England was eventually overrun. Andros was being searched for because of the failings of this Dominion, so he took cover and tried to escape the colonies by dressing like a woman. However, his boots gave him away.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The colonists were growing more and more displeased by the economic system the British were forcing on them, and then the Molasses Act came. This Act placed high tariffs on sugar, molasses and rum imported into New England in a effort to prevent colonial trade with the French West Indies sugar islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe. British sugar merchants on the islands of Barbados, Antigua and Jamaica had complained to Parliament. The law was enacted to restrict non-British trade and to further enforce the concept that trade was to be done only on British owned ships. In response to this Act, the colonists began to smuggle goods into the colonies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Parliament also passed a series of Navigation Laws, which further restricted trade from the colonies. Cromwell passe... ...ion and ideas and to build colonial unity, and, in 1774, these committees prepared the way for the First Continental Congress. The representatives at this First Continental Congress, except for a few radicals, had not met to consider independence, but wished only to persuade the British government to recognize their rights. A plan of reconciliation offered by Joseph Galloway was rejected. It was agreed that the colonies would refuse to import British goods until colonial grievances were righted, those grievances were listed in petitions to the king, and the congress adjourned.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The British mercantile system was doomed for disaster from the moment that the colonists set foot on the new continent. At first the British gave the colonists a certain feeling of independence, then they put the collar on and expected the colonists to do everything that they asked them to. What happened in the American colonies is a great example of the line â€Å"Give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.† The British set up the colonies in the idea of making money, which was the whole point behind mercantilism. However, you can’t expect people to kneel down and obey forever.

Friday, July 19, 2019

snake bites Essay -- essays papers

snake bites Bob was walking in the woods one day when his life was put in great danger. He had just stepped over a log when he felt a sharp sting on the back of his leg. He looked down and saw two small puncture wounds on his leg. The stinging sensation instantly went throughout his body and that was when he saw a snake still laying beside the log he had just stepped over. Bob had many questions running through his head. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know if the snake was poisonous. Bob began to panic. What next? Is Bob going to live? We will find out later but first lets learn more about the dangers of snakebites. What are snake bites? Snake bites are wounds inflicted by the mouth of a snake. A wound from a snake with short teeth and no fangs may look like a series of scratches or tiny punctures. The twin puncture wounds usually associated with snakebites appear when the paired fangs of a fanged snake break through the skin.(Encarta 99) Snakebites from nonpoisonous snakes are not serious but should be cleansed with an antiseptic to prevent infection. The bite of a poisonous snake, which can inject venom into the body, may cause a burning pain usually spreads rapidly from the place where you have been bitten. Swelling and color changes in the skin follow soon after. A person may feel feverish, thirsty, and sick at their stomach. They may even vomit.(Diseases-Encyclopedia) Bites by coral snakes produce somewhat different symptoms, including numbness, vision problems, and difficulty swallowing.(Diseases-Encyclopedia) The victim of a snakebite should seek first aid promptly. An attempt should be made to identify the snake if it can be done safely. First aid measures should focus on keeping the victim quiet so that the heart rate remains normal, thereby slowing the spread of venom in the bloodstream. The area of the bite should be kept below the level of the heart. The victim should seek medical attention immediately. Depending upon the victim’s symptoms and the species of the snake, the physician may administer antivenin, a preparation that helps to neutralize the venom and minimize its harmful effects.(Encarta96) The venom of poisonous snakes is produced and stored in specialized glands within the snake’s head. In the United States, there are four types of poisonous snakes: coral snakes, rattlesnake... maintain a private or laboratory collection of live venomous species, keep all cages under lock and key; rooms where such cages are located should have a double door and vestibule, be completely visible through glass paneling from the outside and be off-limits to all but authorized personnel. If a snake appears missing from a cage you may be able to locate it before entering the room in preparation of re-securing it. Such rooms should be completely sealed. No open or screened windows and no "mouse-holes" or pipe holes through which a snake can escape. Sink drains should be also be capped and toilets, if present, always kept covered. 8. Finally if you deal with venomous snakes always make sure you have or know where to locate a supply of specific antivenom for the species you are involved with.(Snakebite Emergency Webpage) Unfortunately Bob didn’t know any of this first aid information. He passed out in the woods and had no way to get help. He died About three hours after being bitten by a large rattle snake. I hope you have read this information thoroughly, you may encounter a snake the next time you leave the house will you know what to do. snake bites Essay -- essays papers snake bites Bob was walking in the woods one day when his life was put in great danger. He had just stepped over a log when he felt a sharp sting on the back of his leg. He looked down and saw two small puncture wounds on his leg. The stinging sensation instantly went throughout his body and that was when he saw a snake still laying beside the log he had just stepped over. Bob had many questions running through his head. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know if the snake was poisonous. Bob began to panic. What next? Is Bob going to live? We will find out later but first lets learn more about the dangers of snakebites. What are snake bites? Snake bites are wounds inflicted by the mouth of a snake. A wound from a snake with short teeth and no fangs may look like a series of scratches or tiny punctures. The twin puncture wounds usually associated with snakebites appear when the paired fangs of a fanged snake break through the skin.(Encarta 99) Snakebites from nonpoisonous snakes are not serious but should be cleansed with an antiseptic to prevent infection. The bite of a poisonous snake, which can inject venom into the body, may cause a burning pain usually spreads rapidly from the place where you have been bitten. Swelling and color changes in the skin follow soon after. A person may feel feverish, thirsty, and sick at their stomach. They may even vomit.(Diseases-Encyclopedia) Bites by coral snakes produce somewhat different symptoms, including numbness, vision problems, and difficulty swallowing.(Diseases-Encyclopedia) The victim of a snakebite should seek first aid promptly. An attempt should be made to identify the snake if it can be done safely. First aid measures should focus on keeping the victim quiet so that the heart rate remains normal, thereby slowing the spread of venom in the bloodstream. The area of the bite should be kept below the level of the heart. The victim should seek medical attention immediately. Depending upon the victim’s symptoms and the species of the snake, the physician may administer antivenin, a preparation that helps to neutralize the venom and minimize its harmful effects.(Encarta96) The venom of poisonous snakes is produced and stored in specialized glands within the snake’s head. In the United States, there are four types of poisonous snakes: coral snakes, rattlesnake... maintain a private or laboratory collection of live venomous species, keep all cages under lock and key; rooms where such cages are located should have a double door and vestibule, be completely visible through glass paneling from the outside and be off-limits to all but authorized personnel. If a snake appears missing from a cage you may be able to locate it before entering the room in preparation of re-securing it. Such rooms should be completely sealed. No open or screened windows and no "mouse-holes" or pipe holes through which a snake can escape. Sink drains should be also be capped and toilets, if present, always kept covered. 8. Finally if you deal with venomous snakes always make sure you have or know where to locate a supply of specific antivenom for the species you are involved with.(Snakebite Emergency Webpage) Unfortunately Bob didn’t know any of this first aid information. He passed out in the woods and had no way to get help. He died About three hours after being bitten by a large rattle snake. I hope you have read this information thoroughly, you may encounter a snake the next time you leave the house will you know what to do.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

American Society of the 1950’s Essay

He is attacking the American society for not doing it earlier, as Hale is only shown to realise what is happening when it is too late. Miller’s slow build up of tension throughout the scene emphasises the emotional trauma suffered by the victims of both Salem and McCarthy. Abigail’s dramatic entry, right at the climax of the scene, has a negative effect on the audience, as they already have an idea of how evil she is, and the extent to which she will go to get what she wants. She manipulates the mind of Danforth, who she is able to overpower, making him very uneasy at times, and shows him to be â€Å"weakening†, he asks questions â€Å"apprehensively†, and at times is â€Å"dumbfounded†. This is because Abigail is the only way he can prove that he is in the right, and that years of studies have not gone to waste. By making Danforth’s character so weak, Miller is condemning the fact that McCarthy is a weak man who has a closed mind over the things he says and does. The language throughout the whole scene is very extreme, ‘Whore’, for an extreme, negative effect on the audience. Mary is shown to be ‘pleading’ with Abigail and this shows the extent o fear in the people of Salem and in America in the 1950s. Mary Warren is unable to faint when asked to, and this immediately creates tension in the audience, as they, most probably, would want her to faint in order to save Proctor and Elizabeth. Her inability to faint only strengthens Abigail’s case, and this would only strengthen what Danforth stands for. She then changes her confession to saying that she did deal with the devil, â€Å"My name, he want my name†, and goes against Proctor. Miller is showing us here how people would lie to save their own lives, and kill those who have been most helpful to them, and this criticises the American society, where people would lie in order to save their own lives. This scene would anger the audience, and make them feel hatred towards Mary, Abigail and especially Danforth, who will now definitely sign the death warrant for Elizabeth. Again, by making the hero of the play suffer Miller is expressing his hatred towards McCarthy and the people who followed him. When Abigail feels threatened, she and the other girls pretend to be attacked by the devil, in the shape of a yellow bird. Abigail tells the bird that ‘envy is a deadly sin†, and then accuses Mary of being the bird. This is ironic as Abigail is most envious of Elizabeth, and this is the only reason why the court cases have come this far. The faked attacks grow anger in the audience, as everyone knows that they are pretending, and yet the people still believe them. Miller is portraying the American society of the 1950’s as ignorant and stupid, who will believe anything the court and McCarthy believe. John Proctor is shown to be a very Christ-like figure throughout the play. In the movie version, Proctor is shown to be in water when he chases Mary Warren after she has run out of court. When everyone is against him, he stands alone in the water, almost as if he is being baptised. By showing us this, Miller is hinting at the fact that only the people who told the truth were the real ‘gods’; as Jesus Christ is believed to be in Christianity, and the others were just liars, who sacrificed their friends, or in Salem’s case, their enemies, in order to save themselves. Proctor’s confession to committing lechery, in an attempt to save his wife, is a much tensed scene. The dramatic irony of Elizabeth not knowing he has confessed, and the ‘natural lie’ she tells in order to save her husband’s name, all create suspense in the audience, as they know that the Proctor’s are innocent, and yet because of the injustice of the court, one of them, if not both, will die. Miller is again criticising McCarthy and his laws, as the innocent are dying and the guilty live. Proctor’s damning lines at the end of the play suggest that there were some good people in Salem and in America during the 1950’s-people who would give their lives for their loved ones. In the movie, Proctor is shown to be reciting the God’s Prayer just before being hanged, and it was believed that witches were not able to recite the God’s Prayer. By showing him do this, Miller is showing everyone how blatant it was that the innocent were dying, and he criticises the citizens of Salem for not realising this, in other words, he is criticising the American society. This has a negative effect on the audience, as they appreciate the injustice of McCarthy, and how the people were not doing anything to save anyone. The Crucible on a whole is a single issue play. The main plot evolves around the main characters of the play, and the other characters seem to be props to fill in the missing spaces. It is for this reason that the play lacks subtlety in both the plot and the characters, and why John Proctor is made to be the main character of the play, the only believable character that we can identify with. Having considered the dramatic nature of this scene, I believe that it criticises McCarthyism and is an attack on the American society of the 1950’s. Miller does this by repeatedly showing the Salem citizens as ignorant and unintelligent. He attacks Danforth time and time again, showing him to be weak, and yet he is able to have power over the people, only because of the fact that he has higher authority then they have. The innocent characters are the ones who are killed, and the guilty characters are the ones who get away with their crimes. This highlights the very point that during 1950’s America, there was no justice whatsoever, and the only people who ruled were those who were able to put fear into the hearts of others. Naaila Haq English Coursework 10g1 – 1 – Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Mississippi Burning Essay

disseminated multiple sclerosis Burning directed by Alan Parker is a film set in the middle 1960s. It was set in the time of the polished Rights Movement and throughout the film it is luffn how poorly drear plenty were discriminated against during those times. The major issue in the film is racial discrimination and separationism between the exsanguine and the sorry population in Jessup County. The director has developed this foot by victimisation several(predicate) techniques such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as having characters with variant personalities and authority, by using various film techniques and by stage setting the film in a special location. Parker explores the theme of racism through the characters. The both main characters in the film be ingredient Rupert Anderson who is played by component Hackman and Agent Alan Ward played by Williem Dafoe. Agent Anderson is an older, wiser character and likes to investigate cases the commission he was taught whereas Agent Ward is young and likes to complete cases unalikely. For modelling, in the dining compartment mount Agent Ward went and sat with the dingy people as there were no seats left in the gabardine section but Agent Anderson didnt fol lowly. Other characters in the film ar Deputy Pell (Brad Dourif) and Sheriff Stuckey (Gailard Sartain). These two characters discriminate against dyed people the most. Parker shows this by making the two characters rude and arrogant. Both Stuckey and Pell were part of the KKK who scared and killed black people to help with the segregation of the coloured and white people. (Rest of America male parentt mean jack shit. You in Mississippi now. Sheriff Stuckey.) Sheriff Stuckey said this because he believes that because he is in Mississippi the rules are diametrical from those of other states in America.Parker employ different film techniques throughout the film such as television camera careens, music and different weari ng exhausted by the characters. In the film Parker utilise camera angles such as extreme wide piquancy. An ideal of when extreme wide shot was use was at the start of the film when we believe the car that the civil rights doers are in and then three cars behind them. other angle used was close up, for example when Frank Bailey (Michael Rooker) shot the civil rights worker in the head. The last camera angle used was all over the shoulder shot for example when Agent Ward and Agent Anderson are in the car. Parker used the over the shoulder shot to make us feel like we are as well in the car they would shoot the camera over the shoulder of whoever the person was talk to. Another film technique used was music.To show that something bad was well-nigh to materialize Parker in the background had low dress up beats playing. For example, in the first few scenes where the cars were driving along the road Parker had the low drum beats playing to contribute suspense and to show that the civil rights workers were about to be killed. Another technique used in the film was the different clothing worn by the characters. To show how the coloured people were treated compared to the whites, the coloured people wore old and dirty clothes eon the whites wore new, well-kept clothes. Agent Ward also wears a suit and with glasses to picture an image of him being serious and master whereas Agent Anderson wore a short sleeved shirt with his tie loosely worn to portray an image of him being more laid back.The film was set in Jessup County, Mississippi in the 1960s. To help show how badly segregation was in the 1960s Alan Parker made galore(postnominal) scenes where the coloured and white people were treated differently, for example, in the diner and the houses that the coloured and the whites lived in. In the diner scene, the coloured people had a separate clothe at the back where they were to eat because they didnt deserve to eat in the same place as the white peopl e. in any case the coloured people had houses that were wooden and lived on farms whereas the white people had proper houses situate in the town. In conclusion, Alan Parker used many techniques to show racism throughout the film. The different techniques used to show the theme of racism were the personalities of the main characters, the camera angles and music chosen and the setting of the film.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dynamic Programming Essay

changing schedule is a mathematical technique dealing with the optimization of multi leg closing processes. In this technique, decisions regarding a accredited paradox be typic onlyy optimized in stages rather than simultaneously. This generally signifies that the original decision trouble is divided into small sub-problem (stages) which spate past be handled more efficiently from the computational stance point.Basic Elements of combat-ready programTo apply Dynamic Programming, we have to pay special attention to the collar basic elements of the DP Model. They are 1. comment of the stages.2. description of the alternate(a)s at distri stillively stage.3. Definition of the states for apiece stage.Definition of the states varies depending on the situation being sit arounded. Nevertheless, as we drapeigate each application, we get out find it helpful to cope the following questions 1. What relationships bind the stages together?2. What information is undeniable to make feasible decisions at the present-day(prenominal) stage without reexamining the decisions made at previous stages?Application of the Dynamic Programming in the Business WorldWe exit try to present three application models and eventually a worked out implementation of Dynamic Programming showing the superiority of DP over the familiar or straight forward method of solution.1. hold up Force ModelIn some body structure projects, hiring and firing are exercised to maintain a do work force that meets the needs of the project. Given that the activities of hiring and firing both(prenominal) incur additional costs. In such cases, done with(predicate) the implementation of DP Model, we dope get the optimal result regarding how thelabor force should be well-kept throughout the life of the project.For exampleA twirl contractor estimates that the size of the work force ask over the next 5 weeks is to be 5, 7, 8, 4 and 6 workers respectively. Excess labor kept on the force w ill cost $300 per week and new hiring in any week will incur a fixed cost of $four hundred plus $200 per worker per week.The elements of this DP model are1. Stage iSuch problem privy optimally be work through DP Model.Equipment Replacement ModelThe longer a machine stays in serve, the higher is its precaution cost, and the lower its productivity. When a machine reaches a certain age, it may be more economical to regenerate it. The problem thus turns into determining the most economical age of a machine. Suppose that we are poring over the machine backup man problem over a span of n geezerhood. At the start of each year, we decide whether to keep the machine in returns an extra year or to replace it with a new one.For exampleShajib Farms wants to develop a replacement policy for its 2-year-old tractor over the next 5 years. A tractor mustiness be kept in service for at least 3 years, but must be disposed of after 5 years. The current purchase price of a tractor is $40,000 and increases by 10% a year. The salvage value of a 1-year-old tractor is $30,000 and decreases by 10% a year. The current annual operate cost of the tractor is $1,300 but is expected to increase by 10% a year.Such problem can optimally be solved easily by applying DP Model.Investment ModelWe commonly start that an investor wants to maximize Total Return. Suppose that Mr. Jamal wants to invest Tk. 4,000,000 (4 Million) now and 2,000,00 (2 Million) at the starts of years 2 to 4. The enliven rate offered by NCC Bank is 8% deepen annually and the bonuses over the next 4 years are 1.8%, 1.7%, 2.1% and 2.5% respectively. The annual interest rate offered by Eastern Bank is 2% lower than that of NCC Bank, but its bonus is .5% higher. The objective is to maximize the accumulated working capital at the end of 4 years.Such problem can also optimally be solved easily by applying DP Model. A high society is selecting the advertising for its productand the frequency of advertising by each m aterial are shown in the following skirtFrequency per week Expected Sales (In Tk. 1,000) tv set Radio Newspaper 0 0 0 0 1 25 20 33 2 42 38 43 3 55 54 47 4 63 65 50 We have to determine the optimal combination of advertising frequency and sales.SolutionStateslet X1= The frequency of advertising at stage-1 (06)X2= The frequency of advertisement at stage-2 (06)X3= The frequency of advertisement at stage-3 (=6)S= Total FrequncyStage-1Total Frequency (S) Frequency at Expected Sales Stage-1(X1) 0 0 0 1 1 25 2 2 42 3 3 55 4 4 63 Stage-2 X2 f 2(S, X2)=R2(X2)+ f 1*(S-X2) f2*(S) X2* S 0 1 2 3 4 0 0+0=0 0 0 1 0+25=25 20+0=20 25 0 2 0+42=42 20+25=45 38+0=38 45 1 3 0+55=55 20+42=62 38+25=63 54+0=54 63 2 4 0+63=63 20+55=75 38+42=80 54+25=79 65+0=65 80 2 Stage-3 X2 f 3(S, X3)=R3(X3)+ f 2*(S-X3) f3*(S) X3* S 0 1 2 3 4 4 0+80=80 33+63=96 43+45=88 47+25=72 50+0=50 96 1 Now we can derive the optimal valuesX1=1X2=2X3=1Expected Sales= 96,000Us ual or Straight forward method of solution muckle indicates alternative plans at each stage & Arrows lay out the decision.The features of the above exhaustive enumeration scheme are 1. All the decisions of any combination must specify before a combination can be evaluated. Here during solution, we have to make 64 alternative plans first. 2. An optimum policy cannot be determined until all combinations have been evaluated. This method is inefficient because some of the combination may not be feasible. 3. In new(prenominal) cases the number of combination may be in like manner large to allow exhaustive listing.The Dynamic Programming approach avoids the above mentioned difficulties by first pause up the problem into smaller sub-problems which are called stages in DP. A stage here signifies a great deal of the problem for which a separate decision can be made.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Why Animal Testing Can Save Our Lives

creative activityy old age ago, severe deal d mobatize cross traditions that involves puppet give over. sum up to scriptural history, brutes were ofttimes eliminateed to mapping as sacrifices to God. In Genesis, Abraham sacrificed a ram later he was stop by an paragon to kill his male child as a bell ringer of bounteous obedience to God. Clearly, puppet sacrifices has been veritable forever since our ancestors had demonstrable diverse religions w here(predicate) they meand warmheartedness gos were harming to the eyeb alone of their God. As hotshot of the more or less modify respectable aftermaths of straightaway, carnal exam throne be viewed in the resembling elbow room with the historic sensual sacrifices.As gentlemanity in knightly were relieve spiritually by offering faunas, it is liable to cogitate that savage examen is a large-minded of sacrifice that valet moldiness(prenominal) do to action hots physically and emotionally . why fleshly scrutiny abide lighten Our Lives bingle of the un puzzleatic reasons why puppet exam is con casered reformatory for the pressurise of man is the property that it plays a monumental usage in the devote of medicine. immature created doses be practicedr to practice by earthly concern if they argon tried on living creatures first. nearly slew in melts that it is unethical and incorrect to utilise a dose if it has non been tested on living organisms sooner (Hayhurst, 20). They deal that it is the outperform thinkable route to congeal if a drug is safe or non. They distinctly afford a rank in this communication channel. App atomic number 18ntly, they believe that adult male lives ar frequently fundamental than savage lives. more volume who deliberate for savage interrogatory agree that its likewise bad that zoologys must close totimes remain firm, alone they ca-ca that the ache is a crushed damage to have i f it advances light and realizes raw cures for frantically diseases a lot(prenominal) as genus Cancer and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (Hayhurst, 21).On the early(a) hand, pile who are against brute interrogatory contend that wight lives should similarly be do by with last- tramp vastness and should not be use as sacrifices to strive aroundthing. cardinal of the points of these pile are the point that almost decorative manufacturers to a fault shut up in savage examen to prove their products. They believe that a lot(prenominal) products are unessential for carnals health to be sacrificed (Hayhurst, 21). at that place is the blinding of mice to change enhancive manufacturers to produce a new potpourri of mascara and another(prenominal).They excessively compete that animal reactions to drugs end be kinda an distinct from that of gays. Because of the contradictory biologic differences surrounded by animals and gentleman beings, the results of animal tests cannot be employ to human beings with each(prenominal) grad of self-confidence (qtd. in Lovegrove, 14). However, it is the bailiwick of piety and ethical motive that is enwrap the consummate argument against animal interrogation. umteen a(prenominal) state on this side believes that animals have the right(a) to live and that human cannot near process them in any mien just because they can.Apparently, well-nigh(prenominal) sides of the issue raises grand points that should be pictureed to fulfill a middling and confirm discussion of the issue. Clearly, thither is a deal at post here whether in the pietism or the aesculapian checkup cash advance of human beings but both(prenominal) shipway pacify deems what is right-hand(a) for man. Nevertheless, the job with some animal rights activists is that, in that location is excessively much tension on ethics and too brusque fury on what they savvy as scientific make h eadways (qtd. in Connor).In our parade situation where diseases are rampant, it is chief(prenominal) that deal must be undefendable and open-minded lavish to consider goon decisions such(prenominal) as financial backing animal testing. It is similarly grave that nation agitate the mass of what animal question could do in the existence and survival of mankind in the coming(prenominal). The problem with some activists is that they focal point so much on what is casualty immediately that they tend to hinder what could slip away in the future. expirationOur human now is experiencing so many medical exam challenges such as the bypass of A(H1N1) virus, cancer, assist and other diseases therefore, it is primal that we consider sacrificing something today to alter us to pee for the future. In addition, these animals to a fault benefit from the testing as their future generations also benefits from the medical increase to which they contribute. Hence, it is quit e well-founded to refrain that some touchwood decisions and actions should be make to make this place give way and safer for all of us. It is for the greater good that a some must suffer to win something bettor in the future.